Welcome to Garrett Scott, Bookseller, a specialist since 1998 in uncommon printed and manuscript material dealing with American social thought, popular medicine, unpopular literature, eccentric entertainments, interesting religious material, early American imprints, and the physical book itself—including books and pamphlets on type and on printing.

I am privileged to announce that I have lately acquired a portion of the collections of the late Gregory Jackson Walters (1953-2022),  letterpress printer and typefounder of Piqua, Ohio. The material is largely European, and the process of sorting and cataloging the books and pamphlets is ongoing. Some small sampling of this material appears on this website, and more will be added as we work our way through this considerable inventory. Please consider signing up for Topic Notification to be alerted by automated email on Mondays when printing and type material has been added to the site, and please contact me directly to let me know of specific wants.

This bookselling concern works closely with librarians and curators in the United States and around the world to develop collections. We actively quote material of interest—contact us to discuss how we can help.

I will mention again the advantages of signing up for topic notification, which will alert you automatically once a week when new material in your areas of interest has been added to the website.

This bookselling concern does not keep open hours at its Ann Arbor Larrytown Corridor warehouse office on Packard, but sells instead by mail-order via direct offers of material to customers, occasional catalogs, and book fair appearances. Contact me by email to be added to the mailing list to receive our irregularly-scheduled illustrated online catalogs or printed lists, or simply browse here for a small selection of our material.